Thirty. Dirty 30! I celebrated my 30th birthday along with the lovely Marion Ruhmann. She turned 40, I turned 30; together we turned 35. We met the year before but I REALLY got to know her over a few rounds of my margaritas (My margaritas bring the boys to they yard....DAMN RIGHT!!!....they're better than yours!). After learning that we shared the same birthday, we decided (with a little help from Jose Cuervo) that we should have a joint birthday party. Brilliant idea!
The party was held at Marion's house. The lovely Aussie-Maltese beauty Maria Chetcuti (Que Cutie!) ...
...just arrived back from Oz so I already knew that my 30th would be off to a good start. Honestly, I was not looking forward to turning 30, but I met the dashing, world-travelled gentleman Ricky Gonzalez (Zalez) the day before and he didn't believe my age. I love a man who thinks I'm younger!
The party was more than I could have hoped for. I was just excited to be around the people I care about most, but most of all I was just happy to celebrate with Marion.

Kevin and I (the most tame picture I could find)
I would go into details, but since it was a milestone birthday, somethings are a bit foggy and I kind of want some things to remain a mystery. What I will say is that I would not have celebrated any other way, although I wish my family could've been there. It was just enough to talk to my Mom though.
If you are reading this for the first time, raise a toast for your mamas!
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