I didn't have time to 'sex-up' the plate before taking this low-light photo, but don't be put off! We have been really going after the spicy, Asian food since coming back from Spain. Here's a another one which combines the sweetness of tamarind and a bit of sugar with a little chili heat. We were pleased with this overall and happy to have another 2 portions left in the fridge! We served it over some basmati rice.
300 ml chicken stock
30 ml thick tamarind juice, made by mixing tamarind paste with warm water
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
200 ml coconut milk
1 green papaya, peeled, seeded and thinly sliced
250 g skinless boneless chicken breast portions, diced
juice of 1 lime
lime slices, to garnish
1 fresh red chilli, seeded and coarsely chopped
4 garlic cloves. coarsely chopped
3 shallots, coarsely chopped
2 lemon grass stalks, sliced
2 inch piece fresh turmeric, coarsely chopped, or 1 tsp ground turmeric
1 teaspoon shrimp paste
1 teaspoon salt
Make the yellow curry paste. Put the red chilli, garlic, shallots, lemongrass and turmeric in a mortar or food processor. Add the shrimp paste and salt. Pound or process to a paste, adding a little water if necessary.
Pour the stock into a wok or medium pan and bring it to the boil. Stir in the curry paste. Bring back to the boil and add the tamarind juice, sugar and coconut milk. Add the papaya and chicken and cook over a medium to high heat for about 15 minutes, stirring frequently, until the chicken is cooked.
Stir in the lime juice, check and adjust the seasoning. Then transfer to a warm dish and serve immediately, garnished with lime slices.
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