No big recipes this time. Just dropping in to say that I got out the ol' water bath again over the weekend and had some fun. The first, the 64.4C poached egg, which turned the yolk into a nifty soft spread and turned the whites barely set. Really interesting stuff and a great texture.
Next was a few lamb steaks, which I did at 57.5C, throwing in a few sprigs of rosemary, a pat of butter, salt and pepper and some crushed garlic cloves. After 4 hours, the connective tissues in the steaks had completely broken down and the steak had gone extremely soft and succulent. The lighting wasn't so good in the photo (it was much pinker in real life), but I can assure you, the lamb was cooked a perfect medium-rare, all the way through. The seasonings had worked their way in there and after a quick sear in the pan (basting with butter) and reducing the cooking juices, it was magic.
More sous vide experiments to come! Watch this space......
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